Before you move forward many lender for home loans have been taking hits for not tightening up the requirements for home loans and they take a lot of heat for it. Being in a rent to own program will help you first take care of your credit if you need it.
When you have an idea for your finances you than can move along looking at homes in your budget. Many home buyers like to jump right in before they do any research online and most of the time its not because they don't want to. Its that the professionals that they get hooked up with can't point them in the right direction.
Being part of a program for cheap rent to own homes is going to be the best thing because they will help you or coach you through the steps you need to find a home and fix your credit. Many home buyers with bad credit just want the help to get a home that works for them.
Repairing your credit is going to help you get approved for a home loan for a foreclosed home. Once you have your feet on solid financial ground you can move forward in purchasing a house. No matter what lenders are going to tell you to bump up your credit score to help you get approved and being in a rent to own program can help you out the most.
You want to shop around the area that you find a house that you like to make sure you get a good deal on a the home because once you sign a rent to own contract you will be in the contract for up to 3 years.
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